362 photos people!! *GASPS*[in shock]! But I will not be so crazy as to post every single one of them here! That would be insane-_-". Anyhoo, I will just talk about the main points and let the pictures convey the thousand words to you!
So I had to go to school to prepare the things to be brought to the garden festival. I especially like the part of planting the mock strawberries in gel![i hated the part of uprooting them from the garden though. I got 11 mosquitoe bites from there!!]

Then we[me helen hannah shu wen kash marilynn and salmah] ate spagetti for dinner and heade of to suntec. Nothing much happened in the bus as I was busy listening to Orson on my handphone's mp3.[Im quite poor. I dont have a REAL mp3 T_T]

So, the moment we stepped into the convention centre, we were AWED!!!! By the comely scenery and the humongous variety of beautiful plants and flowers. Even the veggies looked appealing! OH then,, Mdm Normala, my teacher, FORCED me to wear the tree outfit! Walao! They had to chase me around the place! lol. i gave in in the end -_-".

So we had to explain stuff to important visitors. blahblah. At night, the president came and I was in my tree outfit standing there when he suddenly called me out to take a picture with him! Omg! So the rest of them tagged along and managed to grab a picture with him but the picture is currently not with me right now. Its with kash so I will post it when I get it. duhh. Well thats the end of friday!(:
I came at around 6pm and then sat down waiting for people to pass by and explain. but that was not the best part. At 1030pm, the Minister Mentor, Lee Kuan Yew came in a golf buggy and I had to present to him our booth. So I wasnt nervous since Ive presented to 1000000 people already and he's a person right?lol.

So thats basically it. Now for some plant photos which Im sure youre much more interested in. duhh.

okay done! its not everything though! Im just lazy to upload them. So make do with this! Alot already okay?! Be grateful. And CLICK TO ENLARGE!