I shall start blogging about the ever so awesome trybe camp. As usual, pics open in a new window!

this motorist had some cute dolls on his table windscreen or somthing!

On the very first day, we ha to take a bus ride to Tampiness CC for the dinning etiquette and time management "training" cum lecture which was such a painful bore. However, the fun thing about it was that we had to dress formally that is in long sleeved shirts and khaki pants along with a belt suited up with either a tie or whatsoever. Anyhoo, it was funny mixed with a tinge of fun "admiring" the other students in their smart outfits. I especially like Faizal's as he was wearing something a waiter would wear! Seriously!

Moving on, we had a 5 course lunch at Jack's place and I have to admit it was quite filling . My main course was a mushroom sauce sirloin steak which tasted okay although abit tough and raw. Considering that there were about 200 over people to cook for, it was not surprising to get raw meat so yah.

Next, we headed off to downtown east where I could not wait to see my room and have a nice good bath! It took several hours to settle things out like the dinner food and such. Not only that, it was raining/drizzling. Well so after a bath, the whole A16 group gathered for dinner at the pavilion which unfortunately was already occupied by some other inconsiderate group. tsk! So we decided to gather and eat at the entrance and was kicked away. LOL. Finally, the food got cold and we got wet AGAIN[ what's the use of bathing you tell me?!]

We ate at Gabriel's room instead. Gabriel is/was our group's facilitator and he has golden brown hair which looks like a broom seriously! But he was superbly fun and cool alright! Dinner was a bit bland but I ate it anyways.
We played this card game which reddens your hands if you loose and poor Gabriel had it the worst! haha.
At around 10pm, the whole camp settled in their own rooms. My roommates, Suren and Tien Feng decided to go to our friends' room instead as they had a conjoining door and so it was much bigger.

heres a dork pic of me with hafi's old school specs.lol

Played black jack and bluff which was uberly fun and exciting. But it got a little boring after a few games so I decide to watch Taboo on arts central instead.
At around 11pm, the boys including me duhh, we headed out to macdonalds to get supper while some headed to cheers for a light snack.
I slept at around 1148pm and awoke at around 545am. It was so early in the morning that I was bored to death!
Here comes the exciting and my most favourite part, the Islandwide Treasure hunt! Will not elaborate on this as it will probaby fill up a thousand pages. Just know that I found the first small marker and the team had to squeeze into a garbage room[ smelly I tell you!] also, the boys had to get pregnant! I know you cannot wait to see me pregnant! gahh! It was nothing really. Just had to take the train and walk around and if people ask, just say you have got a tumor or something! haha

In the garbage room under the compacter!!

Me in the middle being pregs!

had to clean the coffee shop tables!

So by the end of the day I was tired and had no mood to talk plus my legs or thighs were aching badly due to excessive and over running especially at the end! When I got home I slept all the way till the next day!
Had to cover up learning points the following day in school and bid our hopefully not last farewell to the instructors including gabriel and Keren.
So that was about it! Now I need to go get a haircut and holy camoly, I got new specs! Yahoo! My previous specs broke! At least it lasted a year or so.

I shall end this post with an Ugly pic of ms lee!