Last Saturday, I went to the Chingay parade at the very last minute[long story, shall not elaborate]. SO I went with a low battery camera but the battery finished just in time after the parade! It was uber cool because we got VIP seats. WE as in me and 3 of of sister's friends. I was captivated and flabbergasted by the awesome performances. Oh, oh, oh, I got hot firework pictures which I took. The first good picture of the year other than the pictures of my face of course![hahahaha. Just joking!]
Anyhoots, this week is jam packed with ginormous amount of tests and lesser homework! I would prefer more homework and lesser tests but what can I do.
So, yesterday, there was Biology test. I shall not elaborate further.
Today there was an English and Malay test. I think I screwed up big time for my English compo but my Malay test was okay.
Tomorrow, there will be Math test which I am unfortunately unable to study for because of time. Also, there will be a Geography test and I am prepared to fail it because I do not know how to study and what to study! Ms Yeo did not come for a lot of lessons and now I am confused. She has not returned back our assignment and I do not have any reference. Hence, I am screwed!
There will be a REAL Biology practical exam on Thursday which sucks big time because I hate practicals. I always get paranoid in case I break something or did a step wrong.
But anyways, moving on, on Friday, there is ANOTHER math test! Oh btw, if you read my previous post, I mentioned about this uber difficult test. Apparently, everyone did badly but I got a 13/16!! Yahhooo!
So as you can see, there is a test on everyday of this week! However, I am excited about tomorrow's trip to some Biopolis centre to learn more about Bilogy. Duhh.