POST-OJust right after the OLevels and I am already a busy man, finding a reason to escape from the enclosure I call home. Ever since the end of Biology paper 1, I have been going out and coming home late. I must say the outings were fun and exciting and obviously the company was GREAT. No, wait, it was AWESOME!!
The pseudo post OLevels celebration at Izzaty's house was amazing. The food was more than delicious, it was luscious and finger licking. My favourite- the prawn, obviously.
Her new house was huge and the interior was well furnished with most of the items coming from IKEA. I quote from Ellysa, "Ikea sponsor you or what?" Precisely.
Watching the two movies after was great as well. We watched Game Plan and Suster Ngesot, while indulging in some yummy-licious icecream.
I had so much joy and fun that I only managed to snap one picture with the Canon camera.
Once again, thanks for the amazing company and great fun, Izzaty, Ellysa, Atiqah, Faizal and Iskandar!
Today, a number of us of about 15 went over to Ms Ratna's house. unfortunately, it was not as exciting as I expected. I mean, you have all the fun and crazy people like Taiyi, Billy, Yang Zhi and Stozer of course. So obviously you would expect some drama or jokes no?
Oh, Lo and Behold, instead of chatting with Ms Ratna and catching up with each other, some of them wanted to watch a movie, namely, 40 year old virgin.
And, they would laugh at the most stupidest thing. When a person says F***, they will laugh. *rolls eyes*
So, the whole day went on draggy. As such, Izzaty, Ellysa, Atiqah, Faizal, Iskandar and I decided to leave early mainly because we were exhausted and also because we were bored as hell.
Amazingly enough, we all still had the energy to go to the pasar malam located near her house.
We played some childish yet fun game, throwing ping pong balls into tiny holes. Ultimately, we won ourselves a Pink Panther beach ball.
So, enough with the dull elaboration, feast your eyes on some pictures! Editted with the removal of pimples and scars of course(: I am a nice guy. duhh. Also, the lightings were editted.