Here are the movies I watched today and yesterday. I know! It's alot!
Battle Royale is such a sick, twisted movie. Which country would allow the teachers place their students on an island to kill off each other?! Gosh. That is so twisted!
And Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy? I thought that it was gonna be some funny comedy. I was so wrong. It was just plain STUPID! I stopped watching after the first few minutes. Bottom line, don't watch.
Wrong Turn 2 was gruesome and gory, especially near the end. It was kind of like The Hills Have Eyes. But I am not sure which movie came first. However, the axing the women in half seemed fake and the intestines? please.
Basically, both movies involves deformed cannibal serial killers!
Gotta go find Wrong Turn 1 and watch it.
I am Legend was crap! Don't watch. There was this scene where Robet Neville sleeps in the bathtub with his dog but he wakes up the next day in his comfy bed instead! What is up with that?
Besides, if you are gonna watch this movie for the action, forget it! Seriously.
Alvin and The Chipmunks was okay okay. Not much to say about it.
30 Days of Nights? You have to really pay attention to it to understand. I expected more. Especially since the review said that it was gory and bloody.
To be honest, the blood seemed fake. It was too bright and watery.
And a group of vampires as butchering murderers? So cliched! Almost every movie is doing it.
Nonetheless, it was a good movie. Better than I Am Legend for sure.
You can't go wrong with Saw IV. But, you would have to watch the previous movies to really understand the movie well.
So, I give up on Smallville. It seemed too draggy and repetitive.
Gosh Clark! You suck!
And Lana was a witch? Well, give and take a letter[b*tch].
Alicia was sweet. She would totally make a good gf for Clark. Too bad she died early!
And Chloe? Get over Clark already!
Lex, you friggin manipulative paranoid freak!
Lionel, you change your personalities like you change your clothes!
Now, I am watching Two and a Half Men. It is so frigging funny! More or less "Friends" kind of funny! It is a must watch! I am now watching season 3! MUST WATCH!!
American Dad too was one of my next addiction after Smallville. But, I stopped after the first season. No, not because I could not handle the racist jokes.
It's just that I could not find links for season2. heh!
Oh gosh! Let me list the Tv series I have watched during the holiday. I can't list down the movies I have watched cuz that would be a long one and I cannot possibly remember all!
So the TV:
Gossip Girl
Smallville 1/2/3/4/5
How I met Your Mother 1/2/3
Heroes 1/2
Two and a Half Men 1/2/3
Friends 1
American Dad 1
AusNTM 1?
Project runway Canada
Project Runway US
Survivor China
Ugly Betty 2
Grey's Anatomy
Desperate Housewives
I guess that's about it? This was fun!
of course you weren't actually born at that time. But whtvr eh!
Like I said, everyone be celebrating your bday at vivo and be having fireworks!
Tomorrow, bowling with some peeps. My bowling shoes don't fit no more, so I have to rent. Well that sucks.