IT'S OVER?! :(AHH! Sorry for the lack of updates on the amazing orientation in NJC that I had.
On most of the days, the orientation lasted through the night. As such, when I got back, I was too tired to switch on the computer and blog.
So, since today is Saturday, I will blog more about it. However, I can only show you a few pictures since most of them are with my OGL Vicki. Also, the Aqua people have yet to update the Aqua blog with the OG3 pictures. Dang.

Anyhoo, my class S03 only has 4 guys[including me], in which 1 was absent throughout the whole orientation. Will only meet him on the first day of lessons.
There are 2 guys in my class, namely, Raj and Ber Fong which I don't really click with. They are more onto the intellectual side. When you talk to Ber Fong, you will end up talking science. If anyone of us says anything scientifically wrong, he will correct us. Hah, it's really intimidating sometimes.
Raj is a different case. Coming from StAndrews, an all boys school, I presume he thinks that massaging a guy without him knowing or hugging his arm around another guy's neck is okay. Well, earth to Raj, it seems really gay to me and I don't feel comfortable whenever you do that. Talk about weird.
Besides, these two guys think that games like polar bear, pour water etc, is lame and somehow childish. But, I give Raj credit for participating in our pour water game and not sitting out like BF.
It seems that he had fun. So, it aint too lame now is it Raj? lol.
Also, during OG dinners/ outings, these 2 guys chose to absent themselves, leaving me the only guy. Talk about lack of class spirit.
Given that, I feel quite alone sometimes in a class consisting of mostly girls. It is bittersweet really.
I thought that when I came to NJC, I would make at least 1 really really good guy friend. But, it seems that that might not happen. Hopefully this other Zainuddin guy is someone I can connect with.
Anyhoo, on the
5th day of orientation we had station games, where in some of the games, we got soaked to the skin. For a lack of a better word, we were DRENCHED!

I got injured on the first game cuz some guy in my class, won't mention who[ well, it's not that difficult to guess since there were only 3 other boys in my class and 1 was absent throughout the orientation.] pushed me ever so violently that I grazed my toe on the rough ground.
But, I was not gonna let an injury keep me from having fun!
Well, after washing up, we had mass dance in which I was sabo-ed to dance in front of the Aqua people with my super talented dancer partner, Jeslyn. She totally out shadowed me can?
I had MLDDS after which was a bore and it ended late.
On the
6th day, we had The Quest, or rather an Amazing Race. It was real fun but it was real tiring and straining. I got blisters and the sole of my shoe came off. Thanks to Sheryl Teo for providing me with plasters to "heal" my shoe! HAHA! Lifesaver.
This day, I was placed on a fence. I did not know wheather to go with my previous OG for dinner or with my new OG for dinner! It was a difficult decision can?
In the end, I went with my new OG in hopes of bonding with them more. I don't regret my decision cuz I had great fun. But I did wish that I could go for my ex- OG outing as well. :(
Met Eja on the bus ride! Nice seeing you girl!(:
Day 7, we had Intra Clan Games. Being in the Aqua House, we had water games. We got wet etc.

LiXin has water in her ears!
I was again placed on the fence on this day. I did not know weather to dance with Jeslyn for the competition or go for MLDDS. Sucks to be me really!
I went for MLDDS. And I regret this decision. Cuz It sucked and Jeslyn was partnered with a sucky guy. Consequently, we lost. boohoo! Jeslyn you rock btw! I am really sorry to leave you!! I feel terrible!!
At night, we had AQUA outing at the Naked Fish Shoppe! The food was so- so. But there was not much variety. So that sucked. BF betrayed us by joining another OG for the dinner lah! He even had the nerve to take a picture with their OG. Ya, we know you hate permanent alliances cuz you can't betray them. You said so yourself. Now, we know for real. Whatever rows your boat lah kay?


On the
8th and last day, we had war games where we got wet all over again! It was real fun and all.
At night, it rained so the campfire was canceled and we had a dance party in the Hall instead! In the meantime while waiting for the Hall to be preped up, we played pour water.

Look at the tall dome lah!

Hui Shan had to ask a guy to tie her shoelaces for her forefeit!

I had to go up to a girl, Lei Hoy and tell her that everytime I see her, my heart goes thump thump*inserts heat beating action!*

Huishan had a second forfeit and she did it with Azizah.

A guy from another OG doing a Kawaii forfeit!

Man Han and Yuxian's forfeit was a chicken dance!

The loser had to drink this cup of "chip" water.

Poor Hui Shan had to do a third forfeit! She said the water was delicious! LOL.
I have the video of Raj's and Lixin's forfeits but I shall not post it up cuz it takes long to upload them on YouTube.
The lightings in the hall/ dancefloor were aweso- freaking- some!! Loved it loved it!
I was super high, I danced like a megalomaniac! Breakdanced and all! Hah! I bet most of my classmates did not know I had such amazing moves! HAHA. How narcissistic was that?

Got home late cuz I missed 2 67 buses since they were all full! LOL.
Met Zul on the bus ride home(: Great to see you dude!(:
Gonna go get new sport shoes tomorrow with Faizal! Have not seen him a long while so it will be great cathing up and all. Coincidentally, we both are gonna join Hockey. HURRAH!
Yup, Monday's the training. Gonna go there with Akash and maybe Huzaiffah.
We got our Chemistry Lecture notes already. Will be reading through them soon. LOL.
Apu neneh
gucci gucci
k bye(: