ONE DAY TO GO!Funorama planning has been hectic. I am now rushing through making the Food Stall poster. I don't quite like how it has turned out though. Not one of my best advertorial posters, definitely. Oh well.
So, finally, yesterday, I went for AC's hockey training!
It was super slack lah!!
We ran only one round for warm up.
And, all we did were basic dribbling, pushing, passing etc.
I was super bored to the max!
Most of the new J1s were new to hockey, me included.
Just because I already had a month of training, the others think that I am some kind of pro or something! wth lah? I am no pro kay! I am a novice!
I'm just better than you!! HAHAHA
I miss NJC hockey trainings!
Call me weird but I love 'hiong' kind of trainings!
Makes you feel healthy and fit! LOL
Hopefully next week's training will be more beneficial and 'hiong'. YAY.
Even though AC's food is super ex, I tend to eat alot!
I know right?! Coolios.
Funorama on Saturday!
Anyhoots, last week, I went out with parents and cousin to celebrate my cousin's birthday! We went to have supper at Carousel yet again! Same old food. I did not like the food the first time round, and I still don't like em! :(
But it was definitely filling. :)

Also, quote recently, my class painted the pinatas! We did not do much though. Cuz, it was Wednesday and it was CCA day. Consequently, most of us had to leave early for our respective CCAs. duhh.
And the paint Zhen Gan brought was super difficult to wash off lah! Abel and I had such great difficulty washing the paint off that we gave up and just hope that it goes off through the day! And it did! So, YAY!

Yoshiaki Gondokosumo in my specs!

Me in Bobby's specs! It don't hide my eyebags, so I dont like! HAHA.
But I look smart in it though. But I don't need specs to make me an intellectual. I already am please?

The completed banner! Nice right?! Spot my hand prints!~

Bags after bags of pinatas!

Yoshi's smiley face!

Isabel! I call her Isabella!

Testing out our pinata. SUCCESS! I think...

Erika: HOW? HOW? HOW?!
Veronica: dunno leh..

kk bye!
Come for funorama!
Our food stall is gonna be near the gate! So come buy hor!
Dunno abt the games stall though. heh.
YAY! Tmr whole day off to do funorama planning!
It's a bliss people!!