Hey heys yooo~~
The papers were expectingly difficult like to the---->>>> MAX!!
It's been almost a month since I updated.
I was too busy with mugging and trainings that I did not have the time to update this already dusted old blog.
Well, it's time to do some spring cleaning and here are some highlights from my life during the June holidays.
So as you all know, it's 3 times a week lifeguard trainings. Initially it was quite fun and all but after a few trainings, it felt quite jaded. I was super lazy to walk from the MRT station to the school LAH!!
YA YA YA, I am as dark and as tan as I can ever be now mayyynn..
So I had CIP with peanut butter JasmineAmmarMuk at some children's home at Potong Pasir. It was preety fun. We played soccer and chatted with the kids. Most of them were like teenagers so it was kinda cool. Someone from the home liked JIA WEI!! HAHAHA.
Act cute CHINA DOLL!!\\
The next day, JAM went on a shopping trip to Bugis in which I was more than an hour late cus I set the alarm to PM instead of AM. Pro-ness.
Unfortunately, we were too early and most of the shops in Bugis were not opened yet. So it really does not matter that I came late since no shops were open yet. tsk tsk.
I managed to buy a new pair of jeans though.
So while waiting for the shops to open, we spent like over an hour plus at Seol Garden, indulging in a super duperly hearty meal that left us immobile for a while.
Deciding we should shed off some calories we gained from the heavy meal, we decided to do more shopping.
This time it was crazy and we bought like millions and gazillions of stuff. I got another T Shirt while the girls got like 2148643785643 Tshirts.
It's so unfair that girls clothings are much cheaper and varied than guys'. tsk tsk.
Oh I also took my Lifesaving 12&3 tests during the hols. I was super worried because I had made numerous careless mistakes and I thought that I was gonna fail! Fortunately for all of us who took the test, we all passed! HURRAY!! BM next-->>>> YOO!!
OH OH OH !!! I also went to watch two HOCKEY matches with bestie hidung AMI whom I had not seen for quite some time eventhough she lives like just 5 stories above me. HAHAHAHA.
I found out that her boyfriend was playing in the Singapore team.
The first match we watched was amazing! Singapore won China 3-0. BAIK SPORE!
The second match was also quite cool but I couldnt tell because I was half awake during the game cus I went straight to watch the match from a tiring training. SO SORRY AMI!! HAHA.
But the BANGLAS there were like overly enthu with thier BANGLA flags cheering on their country. Singapore tied a 1 all score with them though. The Banglas were real good I guess...
I did not watch the Brunei match but SPORE won 8-0. POWER!!
So I also had like multiple study sessions with some of the Lifeguard dudes, nearing the end of the hols and the impending doom we refer to as TERMS.
So today after escaping the wrath of the TERMS MONSTER, some of us from 1SC3 went to catch GET SMART at PlazaS. It is such a hilarious movie! I was laughing till I almost died!
Went shopping with JAM after the rest left and I bought me an ARENA shirt.
I cannot wait for tomorrow!!
My parents will come back from their LOOOONG trip from Europe and they will have like 4354876574687 stuff that they bought for us kids whom were stranded here in tiny Spore.
I cannot wait for Saturday!!
Lifeguard CIP at NUS and Post Production MCS Party at the Spore Flyer!! (:(:(:(:
KK pictures from today and some random ones!! These are the pics from my phone.
I will upload other pictures frm the cam as soon as I get the camera from my sis.
The laptop has got no Photoshop so the pics are not editte. ):):

Some stupid Nivea deodorant commercial with a woman showing off her armpits. "OHH my armpits smell good y'all"

I am telling you, PS is like the ultimate TWITTY PARADISE! Cus there were like mirrors EVERYWHERE! EVERYWHERE!!