I almost had a PANIC ATTACK!
I could not find my EOM. I was looking high and low for it.
Luckily, I found it on my thumbdrive. phew.
Anyhoots, Hockey PT today was really good.
We had some mental and relaxation training talk before running.
It made me a little sleepy but I was still geared up for the run.
We run alot alot alot and we did sprints again
I kinda dread having to go for Lifeguard tomorrow.
Mty calfs and butt are like aching. I dont feel like swimming.
kk, moving on...
Lectures and tutorials have been so fun lately despite the fact that I sleep like almost half the time.
No kidding. I even have photo evidence. But it's with Bobby. So, next time then.
Daryl Bobby and I are 'not paying attention' examples 1, 2 and 3! HAHAHAHA
Inside joke.
Three of us can't stop singing in high pitch voices today. Thanks Daryl for influencing us. TSK.
Radhiah sms-ed me today, "HEYs! You're one of the top J1 students for terms. Congrats (:!"
At first I was like---> Are you kidding me?
My grades were so depressing( to me), being top never crossed my mind. AT ALL.
Hello, I got frigging D for Math, and I love math.
Oh wells, Alhamdulillah! (:(:
Besides, its only terms.
Metro Station is love.
PEE to the DOUBLE to the EWW sucks chicken eyeballs.
Okay, let's end the post with some random photos, starting with the devil's spawn:

And end with some graphing calculator madness:

ps: It's like too risky to bring a camera to school, so like photos nowadays will mostly be like 2 MP, which like sucks. Like....
My life like really sucks. K bye.