OMG. I am so busy, like, you cannot imagine.
Wanted to study math today but to no avail obviously. Hopefully i will study tonight/ morning at 2am since the Olympics cannot distract me and the computer will be switched off.
Anyhoots, today the Animal Symposium thingycalled us up for an interview today for the sponsor thingy for our PW project. I know right? So last minute.
I never thought our proposal would be picked. I thought we would just submit it for show and add on to our feasibility.
However, we got shortlisted and the judges really liked our idea and it is very likely that we might get the grant and really carry it out. COOLIOS. But, cannot be too complacent. LOL.
And, i am really scared that I cannot find the time next year to do this project cus I will be so extremely superbly busy with season and studies. :X
K whatevs.
KK, more to emotional things. Lately, I have not been feelinging emotional cus obviously I am an extremely OVERJOYED person whom has little time for sadness. Alas, I managed to squeeze in some time to feel down and gloomy.
I somehow feel that one of my relationship with a friend is fading.... away. I just had a sudden irk at this person's attitude. Maybe we just don't click. Initially when we became friends, I was actually still repellent but I thought that that feeling would go away but it did not. It continued and I feel at times that our relationship is fake... I hope that I can find that attraction cus that person is really awesome. But maybe, we can't really connect what can't be connected. OMG Im talking rubbish again. HAHAHAHAHA. This is SOOOO primary school.
HAHA I am typing at 124512334789567 km/s!! HAHAH
kk bye.