Eversince Leverage ended its second season, Ive been depressed :(
No Im just kidding. Im not such a low life. tsk.
But, i decided to explore other err avenues of online television.
First up was CHUCK!
I really miss that series and I thought it was only coming back in April but I guess I was wrong cus it came back in January!
So, I spent the whole afternoon watching all the 7 new episodes of Chuck.
Im so glad that my laptop is running faster cus now Divx videos are loading faster and I can watch high quality shows (:
Anyways, this season of Chuck is amazing!! Its great that they now equipped Chuck with Kung Fu skills cus the old whinning, "omg Sarah, Casey save me!" was getting old.
And, Im glad that Sarah and Chuck are finally over each other and that they both found someone new (:
Kristen Kreuk looks pretty with shorter hair!! Hannah ftw!
I hope she doesnt turn into some other spy using Chuck as an asset like his previous girlfriend!
Please be good to him Hannah!

Im glad that Mr Awesome finally gets roped into some kind of mission. Or two.
And Ellie is as GORGEOUS as ever!!!
Well you guys should watch it for yourselves cus its a really good show!
In my opinion, the show's abit like Leverage, except in Chuck, you love all the characters while in Leverage you kinda hate some of the characters.. *cough*nate*cough*.
But, still Leverage still owns Chuck. To some extent.
OH OH OH!!And I LOVE THE SOUNDTRACK!!!!They always have good songs!! Playing in the background or whatever! SOmetimes I find myself listening to the songs rather than what the characters are saying instead! heh
Second up, Cougar Town!
I kinda stopped watching at episode 13 cus the video refused to load properly and I sorta gave up there. heheh
I really like that show! Its not as pervy as the title may sound. HAHAH
It's actually quite err down-to-earth and not too exaggerated.
And, its not all "omg Im 40 and i wanna date your 16 year old son".
It's a realy realy really hilarious show!!! My mother thinks Im crazy for always laughing at the laptop screen! heheh.
The characters are really funny and lovable too!
Jules, the main character ie Courtney Cox/Kox, looks really good considering her age and all. She really fits these kind of comedies. But, her character I feel is too self obsessed and desperate? yeah.. But I guess thats what you get when youre 40, divorced and single. heh.
Ellie, the bestfriend (wow, alot of Ellies in TV shows) is this cynical married woman! And you know how much I love the cynics. She wears the pants in the family! HAHAHA
Then there's Lorri, the trashy blonde! HAHA you know what they say about blondes,
"they have more fun."
Bobby plays the ex husband who lives in a boat in a parking lot! HAHA I wish to do that one day!
And he drives a golf cart!!
Then there's Grayson the single casanova who's secretly hung on Jules!
Andy, Ellie's husband who wishes he's cool and worships Bobby TTM! Gotta love the fat dude.
Finally, there's Travis, Jules' 18 year old son! Such a funny dude!
Point is, it's a MUST WATCH! Bored or not bored.
So currently, Im hooked on this reality show on MTV called The Buried Life!
Its unlike other MTV shows cus its actually inspiring for a change.
And don't tell me MADE is an inspiring show cus the bulk of it is, " I wanna be a cheerleader, a rapper, and punk rock singer, a model, a prostitude, whatever.."
This show, though still has that stupidity Frat kids element is more inspirational.
Basically, its about these 4 boys who made a list of thing theyre gonna do before they die and theyre gonna do it in a old purple bus! HEHEH.
At the same time, while doing the things they wanna do, they help other people acheive things they (the people) wanna do before they die.
Im only at the first episode but they raised money to buy a computer for a needy school!
But I guess the more exciting part was their plan to enter the Playboy mansion! HAHAHA
Total buzzkill.
I know, all these reality shows are staged but still, you cant help but feel good watching them!
So, now whilst waiting for MTV.com not to screw up on me, I am downloading this awesome movie sequel, Boondock saints! Watched the first one in 1999 and I really loved it so, I cant wait to waitch the sequel realeased in 2009!!
(: goodnight people (: