I know, I have been saying that a lot and considering that I am not working/ never worked, you guys must be wondering, HOW COME??
I also dunno sia!
Enlisting to POLICE soon and I am sort of excited.

*hahah so sorrz. This photo cracks me up!*
I mean, I don't really care much for these kind of stuff. I'll just go in and get out and then it's over.
But, I cant wait to make new friends, run and actually do stuff.
However, I am feeling a bit apprehensive cus I have yet to find anyone else enlisting to Police on 4 May!
I dont mind making new friends and all but it will help greatly if I know someone at least!
Well, I guess, I'll have to wait and see.
So, I am supposed to post some photos but they are still in my camera and I am quite lazy to upload them at this moment.
So, I will blog about Hockey n Lifeguard outings once the photos are uploaded.
Dont worrz(worry) too much cus I will totts(totally) upload them before I leave for NS life!
In other news, so sorrz(sorry) but I dont think I am up to do another movie/ TV review post. Totts not time for that.
But I will say that I am rewatching episodes of Joan of Arcadia!

I don't believe in all the 'what if god is one of us' stuff cus obviously He is much greater and powerful than all of us combined but it is a really good show with a 'moral of the story'. Something like Touched by an Angel, if you watch that show.
Anyways, the point is............
Don't you find it sad that such shows with good moral intentions are being replaced by air- head shows that only make society more corrupt and chaotic? Like what is the point of 'Sweet 16' and 'Teen Cribs' if only to make us jealous of frivolous lifestyles of the high society and changing us into materialistic snobs.
I admit, I do watch these kind of screwed up shows! But, that is only because they are the only shows left and they are kinda entertaining, in some ways, but isnt it like too excessive? Should'nt there be a balance? Cus from what I see, the scale is leaning wayyy too much on the wrong side.
Seriously, media peeps, you should like totts see what harm you are creating to the world.

Possibly worse than global warming! Even Tyra agrees! And she knows best when it comes to nonsense shows!
Wow. Dunno why im feeling so mathama ghandi. Something must have set off these emotions.
And I know my use of sorrz, worrz and totts are not helping me prove my point but I am a teenager afterall- my views don't matter.
Enjoy your week guys!